Zimmer Dämpfungssysteme – Quality Inside – Made in Europe
When 120 kilograms close softly

Two soft-close innovations are being presented by the damping techno­logy specialist Zimmer Daempfungs­systeme (Germany) at the IWF: “Silento Porta” and “Silento Doppio” are universally usable self-closing devices for sliding doors. They offer a variety of connection options and ensure soft opening and closing of sliding doors weighing up to 120 kg, according to the producer. “Silento Porta” is a complete fitting system that softly slows down heavy sliding doors and pulls them noiselessly into their end position. With its compact design, the unit can be used in very different track systems. There are several connection options: invisible in an existing runner, installed in a variety of mounting positions (flat, upright, closing to the right or the left) or adaptively mounted on the door slide mechanism.  “Silento Porta” is available with a fluid damper with a stroke of 70 mm or 100 mm. The 2-way damping of the “Silento Doppio” is also suitable even for the smallest installation spaces and can be just as easily and invisibly integrated or flexibly mounted in existing track systems. The self-closing system has recently been expanded to include a version for heavy sliding doors: doors with weights of up to 120 kg can be closed softly in both directions with the unit. The increased performance was achieved by means of a new case that now has two parts. The new development is available with a fluid damper with a stroke of 50 mm, 70 mm or 100 mm. leo

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